Vijay Arora of Touchwood Group Resigns From Post of VP-North in National Leadership Team of EEMA

Industry Watch | November 4, 2020 | News

EEMA Vijay Arora Roshan Abbas Touchwood Group

Vijay Arora, Director of the Touchwood Group, recently resigned from his post of Vice President - North in the national leadership team of the Event and Entertainment Management Association (EEMA).

According to an EEMA note, Arora had requested to be relieved of the responsibility, citing his desire to devote full time to his company in the present pandemic situation. “Most of the NEC members have had a one-on-one conversation with him including the President, requesting him to reconsider his decision, but apparently he has many other pressing commitments and it was becoming very difficult for him to keep up both with his expanding businesses and the time-consuming affairs of EEMA,” the note said, adding that Arora's resignation was accepted by the National Executive Committee (NEC) of EEMA and Founder & CEO at Theme Weavers International Pvt. Ltd, Prerana Saxena, who is Joint Secretary-North Zone, appointed as the interim Vice President - North, EEMA in the meantime.

However, in a note circulated to some members of EEMA, Vijay Arora has alleged that he was “stopped” from delivering action according to his election manifesto to members and “if I can’t deliver what I have promised in my manifesto, it’s better I step down and let the deserving one take things ahead”. 

Commenting on the matter, Roshan Abbas, Managing Director, Geometry Encompass and President, EEMA told EVENTFAQS Media, “Yes, he has shared this with everyone. He had told me and NEC that he has pressing business commitments and was finding it a little time-consuming engaging with the EEMA Secretariat. He has been an immense support during his tenure and although we asked him to stay multiple times, he found it difficult. We are very appreciative of all he has done and continue to look to him for support going forward.”

His resignation cited pressing business commitments and that he was finding it a little time-consuming engaging with the EEMA Secretariat.

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