Cyclists in 18 Cities Set to Participate in EEMA’s ‘Cyclothon-India on the Move’ Event on October 2

Industry Watch | October 1, 2020 | News

EEMA Cyclothon-India on the Move

After the success of its first live event that demonstrated the proposed safe event SOPs to industry stakeholders, the Event and Entertainment Management Association (EEMA) has announced another national event, ‘EEMA Cyclothon-India on the Move’ on October 2, 2020. This will be a multi-city event where cyclists will cover an estimated distance of 15,200 km over 18 cities including Delhi, Gurugram, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Dehradun, Kochi, Goa, etc in a relay format.

Cyclothon will be flagged off at 6.30 am on Friday, Oct 2, and will start the relay from North India, moving to the East followed by West and finally concluding in the South. Adding another initiative to their FIT EEMA umbrella, this event has been conceptualized by EEMA zonal committees and is open for both members and non-members.

In order to adhere to the Government guidelines and SOPs, EEMA has undertaken this initiative adhering to all necessary precautions. The event will strictly be on the basis of registrations and will allow restricted entry of participants to avoid large gatherings. 

The funds collected through this initiative will be contributed towards ‘We Care’ – the CSR initiative by EEMA. ‘We Care Helpline’ is a facility that offers non-judgmental listening services to people in crisis situations. 

Roshan Abbas, President, EEMA, said, “The COVID-19 pandemic had brought the industry to a standstill. With our ‘Cyclothon-India on the Move’ initiative, we look forward to encouraging society to come forward and salute the COVID warriors of the country. We invite everyone to come join us and together make ‘EEMA Cyclothon-India on the Move’, a success. This event is intended to bring about the right engagement of mind and body that will eventually lead to a positive change for good in society.”

 “This is a great opportunity for EEMA to raise awareness about WeCare, one of it’s most meaningful initiatives and we are very excited to partner with the EEMA Cyclothon.” She added, “EEMA We Care looks forward to help, guide and counsel people from the events industry by providing them emotional and confidential support. Through the Cyclothon, we look forward to raise awareness and publicize our helpline number 8448445168 widely and through all possible mediums," added Poonam Lal, Chairperson, We Care.

Martin Emmanuel, Vice President, EEMA South, said, “Covid 19 has put all our life and business in miserable situations.  It has been almost 7 months that our businesses are not in action.  Though we are going through tough times, we have to show that Indian event industry is active and can do events safely and securely.” He also added, “On 2nd October 2020, EEMA is doing a Cyclothon that more than 10000 people will participate, starting from Jammu Kashmir to Kanyakumari.  This massive record attempt is to show the world that, Events are to happen and we have to keep engaging people, build enthusiasm and spread the message of health, hygiene and safety.  I wish all of us to participate and make this event a grand success.”

Vijay Arora, Vice President, EEMA North, said, “Events being the liveliest industry has suffered huge losses due to this pandemic. Life has come to a standstill for this sector. However, we are ready to get back. By adhering to EEMA’s proposed SOPs, we look forward to conducting safe events with a stronger spirit and positive attitude. To celebrate this and felicitate our corona warriors, EEMA looks forward to organize this event with passion and enthusiasm. This is an event where the event fraternity comes together post the lockdown for a common cause that binds everyone together.”

“Celebrations are not always just about fun & frolic, celebrations that spell gratitude surpass all events. We feel events like these will encourage and motivate the event industry to perform with all necessary measures and strive harder for results,” he added.

Aarti Mattoo, Vice President, EEMA West, shared, “Event industry has always been on the move and it’s time to be back. When the world was shut down, we at EEMA had started working on how to get back by making SOPs for the re-opening of the events industry. We proactively proposed and presented these to various Govt bodies and demonstrated them with a live event across India for which we received huge appreciation by the Govt. and industry stakeholders. With this Cyclothon, we aim to demonstrate that we care for the safety and sustainability of our industry.”

Registration Details -
Registration for locations have already commenced and will stay open until 1900 hrs on  October 1st 2020 or till all cyclist places are filled, whichever is earlier. A nominal registration fee will be charged from all participants which will include EEMA Cyclothon Merchandise and refreshments. The cities along with their specific locations and links are as follows:

Venue (Zone)


Registration Link

North Zone - Delhi, Gurugram, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Dehradun

6:30 AM

South Zone - Trivandrum, Hyderabad, Kochi, Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Kanyakumari, Bengaluru, Mysore, Vishakhapatnam, Vijaywada

6:30 AM

West Zone - Goa, Ranchi

6:30 AM

The event will be broadcasted live from all respective locations on EEMA Social media channels via Streamy.



Cyclothon will be flagged off at 6.30 am on Friday, October 2, 2020, and cyclists participating in it will cover an estimated distance of 15,200 km over 18 cities across India.

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