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Decorise 2015 forges partnership between the Event Management and Decorators industries
by EVENTFAQS Bureau Business Events | August 5, 2015 | News
SOI LIve Marketing Sabbas Joseph EEMA
Decorise 2015 is taking place from Aug 4 to 6 at the Gujarat University Convention and Exhibition Centre, Ahmedabad. SOI LIVE Marketing was brought on board in this edition to promote and market the event to the larger stakeholders of the event, experiential marketing and ancillary industries. As part of SOI's efforts a one-of-its-kind partnership was forged with EEMA to bridge the gap and initiate dialogue amongst the event management and decorators' associations.

Heena Mistry, SOI; Sushma Gaikwad, VP-West, EEMA; Sabbas Joseph, President, EEMA and Himanshu Shah
EEMA president, Sabbas Joseph and VP-West, Suhsma Gaikwad were present at the inaugural ceremony and knowledge sessions of the exhibition which took place on Aug 4, 2015. The inaugural session was held to a full-house with the Mayor of Ahmedabad Meenakshi Patel in attendance. EEMA, together with representatives Sabbas Joseph and Sushma Gaikwad were given chief guest status, with Joseph making the key note address and also doing the official ribbon cutting during the inauguration of the exhibition.
Suppliers at the exhibition included companies supplying various material, resources required in putting together events, together with suppliers for F&B displays, decor and also hardware like sound, light, AV and air-conditioning. The foot fall on the inaugural day itself for the exhibition was over 50,000 visitors.
The knowledge exchange session was lead by an inspiring presentation by Sabbas Joseph, titles 'Think Big'. Joseph presented some amazing examples of the result sin thinking big, and also encouraged the audience that "it is ok to make a mistake, but look for that big idea that will land you success."
Following Joseph's sessions Sushma Gaikwad, conducted an extremely interactive session of 'Going Green and Valuing Human Capital', with practical examples emerging through a workshop lie format from the audience themselves, the session was very well received. The knowledge exchange sessions were attended by close to 300 individuals related to the Event, Decorator and Experiential Marketing Industry, with 50% students in attendance. The final session for the day was a panel discussion of Corporate Social Responsibility for the Decor industry, where panelists including Young Turks from the decor industry together with event experts from Gujarat -- Himanushu Shah, Chief Mentor, SOI LIVE Marketing and Khanthil Mehta, gobananas exchanged ideas. The session highlighted the immense importance of socially responsible practices and how they can effectively be a cost saver for an organisation. If done with more impetus, CSR can even effect the bottom line of an organisation, not to mention the great advantages a company can integrate into their brand by speaking about and promoting their CSR efforts.
"All in all a day well spent together with an extremely important and integral ancillary industry to the events and experiential marketing industry. I've gained a lot of knowledge today and I am very happy that we have opened dialogue with this industry and the important industry professionals in Gujarat," said Joseph on the conclusion of the activities as part of Decorise 2015.

Sabbas Joseph and Sushma Gaikwad representing EEMA at the inaugural session at Decorise 2015
Decorise is an annual exhibition and convention by the Ahmedabad Decorators' Hirers and Electrical Association, showcasing various suppliers to the event and decor industry of India.